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Buster & Amy McCoy are avid tennis fans that bring their skills and passion to the BusterPro shop located in the heart of Brentwood.
Buster is currently the Riviera Tennis Club’s longest tenured tennis pro and over the past 20 plus years has built a loyal following.
When Buster is not teaching or at the shop, he is committed to the non-profit tennis program Reach Out. This program gives inner city kids the opportunity to play and learn about the game of tennis.
The tennis shop was opened in 2010 and continues to provide a very wide selection of tennis clothing, shoes and accessories for men, women and kids and we pride ourselves in staying on the leading edge of the fashion trends.
We are extremely knowledgeable about our products and can guide our customers in the right direction when choosing a new racquet, and just as importantly the right strings to enhance their game.
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